Thursday, October 30, 2008

Now, THIS is Fitzroy Style ....

Remember how I have been watering my front yard and being very successful at growing an amazing crop of weeds? Well, those weeds are bindi-eye .. dreadfully painful things to stand on.

Too many, it seems, to spray or just pull out. Oh no, we needed some other method of eradication ... Fitzroy Style.

The blokes who work for our Environment Department have taken me under their wing, or at least my front yard, anyway. One of the guys, Paddy, came up with the most unique method of weed control I have ever seen.

The theory is, cover all the clusters of weeds with black plastic (although they ran out of that and used carpet, wood, anything they could lay their hands on at the tip), and suffocate the blighters! Paddy assures me, after a week of this treatment in our heat, all those weeds will be ready to be raked up easily! We shall see ....

So ... my Patchwork Yard.
(How sweet are these guys, hey?)

'till next time XX

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Week That Was (and Party Time in FX!)

Hi everyone. I have had a great week in Fitzroy.

I feel I have settled into a routine that revolves around early morning walks, working and studying. Friday night I added PARTY to the mix!! :-) I was invited to The Lodge for 'Happy Hour', which, of course, was an invitation it would be rude to refuse ...

Happy Hour went for about 3 hours and I met some great people. I think a lot of the local people had met me in passing, or new I had started here and were kind of waiting for me to show up somewhere social. I am glad I went. I know have a few offers of good fishing trips - all absolute on knowing where the barramundi are running.

After Happy Hour we went down to the local oval for a concert by Fitzroy Xpress , which was terrific. I wish I had taken my camera. Events like this are often the bands practise sessions, with a cover charge. They are family friendly, with no grog allowed.

Saturday I was taken out and about, on the way to and down into Donkey Crossing for a swim. Great pics. This is a 4x4 excursion, naturally. Everything you can see in the pictures will be underwater when the wet season comes proper. Not even what is called 'the Fitzroy in flood', just the river running. Amazing. I can't explain the quietness of the place. Even with some kids playing and a few blokes fishing, it was like the world was standing still. A few of us are taking the swags and spending a night out there this coming weekend .... crocs and all!!
Saturday night I felt a bit sorry for myself. I missed Viv's birthday bash. Happy Birthday Vivvy!!

Sunday morning bought my first real thunder storm here in Fitzroy. It was lovely. The place cooled down by 15 degrees almost instantly. Another storm came through on Sunday night. At times the raindrops were as big as golf balls, which makes for quite a racket with all the roofs in FX being tin.

The butcher from Derby drives in once a fortnight with meat and fish. Bought a truck load! Much cheaper and better quality than that available at the 'supermarket' here. Had local barramundi for dinner last night! I bought crocodile shanks .. not sure what to do with them, but I guess I will figure it out. I will let you know how that goes.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pearls, Camels and Boabs

I have enjoyed a weekend of R&R in Broome. I drove the 4 hours between Fitzroy and Broome on Friday morning, arriving about 1 PM. Once my things were dropped at my hotel, I took to the streets of Broome ... all those beautiful pearl shops!
My main task was to find the perfect gift for a very special birthday that is coming up. Success! I also had a long list of other things I needed to get while in Broome. Amazing how quickly I have become used to no traffic. Driving in Broome felt like being in the city! I had to find a hardware store, a department store, pharmacy and plant nursery. Some of it got done on the Friday afternoon, but the rest would have to wait until Saturday, as I was booked on a Sunset Camel Ride on Cable Beach.
The camels were all just lovely to look at. Such expressive faces and beautiful eyes. I picked the tallest camel to ride. Strange for me, with my fear of heights - not quite a hot air balloon ride, but high enough to challenge me.
The ride itself is very relaxing (if you ignore the annoying bloke I shared the camel with). I have some good pics and will load them Monday - just to prove I did it. The most beautiful bit of Cable Beach for me, is where the land meets the beach - the rugged rocks falling away directly to sand. I hope that picture will show just how beautiful it is.
It was such a treat on Friday night to have a restaurant meal and a drink! I have very lucky and met a terrific couple (Michelle and Jarvis) to spend the evening with. Such interesting and generous spirited people. We talked on and on until they had to take off to catch their flight back to Melbourne. It's funny how life brings people together in the strangest ways.
Broome's weather is different from FX's. Not as hot, temperature wise, but the humidity is high .. bloody sweaty weather. It has been nice to feel and smell a sea breeze, though.
Saturday was more shopping for all the things I need but cant get in FX - which is just about everything. Went to the local markets, too. Broome is strange for a tourist place - everything closes early in the afternoon on a Saturday.
It's been a treat having an internet connection at home (motel). Bought myself an ipod, so spent last night downloading stuff - music and talking books.
Time to pack the car and head off to pick up the plants I have bought, then head home. Can't leave it too late, as the cattle tend to roam across the road in the afternoon! I am looking forward to getting back to my little 'sea container'.

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Leaping Lizards

Some things are returning to normal here. Most of the Enviro Boys have returned to work. Which means I had my weeds mowed yesterday! The local blokes are as precious about snakes as I am, so they were happy to clear the front and back yard for me.
The weather is in build up mode for a thunderstorm, so it remains hot and increasingly humid. (I will get sick of tell you about the weather soon, I guess)
Had a run in with a lizard again this morning. He must have been on the screen door when I went out to turn the sprinkler off. He jumped for safety, straight into the mop bucket at the back door! Of course, he had no grip on the plastic bucket, so was scrambling desperately to get out. Noela the Brave Southern Petal, had to approach and free the critter! All done, with my eyes shut.
Speaking of lizards, my Dad use to talk about 'ta-ta lizards'. I think that is the type of lizards keeping me company at home. Each time they stop walking (running usually), they wave one of their front legs - saying 'ta-ta' I guess. These guys range in size from about 5 cm to about 25 cm - that's the biggest one I have seen so far, anyway. Cute little things, as long as they stay outside.
Wednesday night is the beginning of a sporting week here, being the second week of school holidays. Big football and basketball competitions. I can't imagine how ANYONE can play sport in this heat. The whole shebang begins with a traditional opening Wednesday evening with dancing and music. I am looking forward to that. Maybe some traditional tucker, too. (I had kangaroo kebabs the other night!)

That's all for now,

Friday, October 3, 2008's different!

This week has been different.
Sadly, there were two deaths in the town over the weekend. One was a young mother and the other was an Elder. So begins my first experience of "sorry business". The people here are very traditional and family is very strong. This means that everyone who knows either of these people is deeply effected by their passing and is now on "sorry business", or mourning time. Their is no set time frame around the length of time this will last. Funerals here are not held for sometime, as often family members need to travel great distances to attend.
At work, this has meant that most of our Indigenous workers are not in and most of our non-Indigenous are not in or keeping a very low profile, as a sign of respect. Because I did not know either of them, it has been OK for me to be here (also the Admin Assistant) to keep the place ticking over. However, we did not wear uniform and took the signage off of all vehicles, to indicate we were not working.
At home, I am madly watering the weeds, morning and night. Quite spectacular how things go from brown to green with a few drops of water! I am proud of my green weeds.
I have also upgraded my study course to the next level, which means about 3 online lectures each week now, plus the additional reading. With not a lot to do at night, and no red wine to keep me company, I thought I should make the most of time. With no Internet connection (or phone, for that matter) at home, I am listening to my lectures from work, which means I am not getting back to the "sea container" (home) until after 6 PM. I then have to type up my notes - keeping me out of trouble, I guess.
I didn't do the Gieke Gorge tour. The guide is on 'sorry business'. Hopefully I get to do it before he finishes for the season.
Don't believe the temperatures you see on the news/internet for Fitzroy! I don't know where they are getting them from, but it sure is not near where I live. I think they must have the thermometer under water, in the shade!! It has been well over 40C each day for the last 7, at least. (our offices are WONDERFULLY airconditioned, thank goodness)

Until next time .... X