Sunday, September 28, 2008

My First Week in Fitzroy

Well, I have been here a week now. Everything here is just as I thought it would be - that's the power of the Internet, I guess. I was able to view and research so much while deciding to come here.
My unit is not the flashest of places, but certainly feels like home now I have unpacked my boxes (which didn't arrive until Monday). No garden or grass, but I have a couple of hoses and sprinklers coming in from Broome today so I can at least get some water onto things. The house might be a bit cooler if there is green weeds rather than brown ones!
Fitzroy time is different to time anywhere else, it seems. The locals pay little attention to 'clock-time' / days / weeks ... It was Tuesday before I had a gas bottle hooked up to heat water. So, it was Tuesday night before I had a hot shower. That felt like I had died and gone to Heaven! (Mind you, the water coming out of the cold tap is not really cold.)
The people I work with are all very supportive and nice. Watched the footy grand final with my neighbour, Clint. Sadly for him, he is a Geelong supporter. I did enjoy that.
I have found my way around OK. Pretty tough to get lost staying around the town and I haven't ventured far away as yet.
Settling into work has been full on, as it is with any new position. My boss, Trish, went on annual leave as of Friday, so it was a case of trying to suck as much info out of her as possible in a short time. I have been thrown in at the deep end HR wise, as there have been interviews to conduct and a series HR issue to deal with. Nothing like coming in running!
They have very high expectations of me here ... so the challenge I was after has arrived.
Our working environment is Palatial - and the aircon works fantiasically!! :-)
I haven't seen a King Brown yet, but I am told they are everywhere and to run like mad if I see one. Harry, our Environmental Coordinator and one of the local Elders, tells me the little black snakes with orange or yellow or red on them are even worse ... they are aggressive and love to attack. Told him if I don't turn up for work one morning, it probably means I am sitting on top of the kitchen table because I have seen one of these and he should come and rescue me.
There are lots of lizards about. Rather curious they are, too. They seem to stop and stare as if they are looking at me as much as I am looking at them.
Clint and a friend of his are taking me out to Geikie Gorge for a swim today. They assure me there are no saltwater crocks, just freshwater ones. Still, I will make them go in first.
Being remote, things take longer to get done in Fitzroy Crossing. We lost all Internet connection on Friday morning. That's when I found out that I am also the IT person!! Rebooting the servers, and doing all sorts of stuff on remote instruction. Our ISP had lost all Fitzroy customers, but needed at least 5 of them to log a call before they could report the fault to Telstra!! Finally re-established connection this morning.
I will get some photos up soon, promise.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Departure Countdown

OK - 4 sleeps to go! Things really happening now.
A few 'spanners in the works' too. My replacement at my current job decided it was all a bit much for her today and walked out!! Panic Stations! Talk about 'call a friend'. Had someone new in within a couple of hours - breaking all the rules I don't let anyone else break! (well, nearly)
The temperature has reached 40C in Fitzroy. I am not very happy about that. I was hoping they would get a cold spell just as I was arriving. No such luck.

Weather Watch

If you want to watch the temp and weather in Fitzroy, go here -

(refresh, of course)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Departure Countdown

Only "8 sleeps" in Perth until I board the Focker 100 and fly to Broome, en route to Fitzroy Crossing!
Here is where I am heading off to work -
The week at work has been busy - handing over to my replacement. Trying to verbalise the intricacies of the job is not easy.
The last few weeks of visiting everyone to say goodbye, and try and explain why I am going to Fitzroy and what I will be doing there has been fun, but also a bit emotional. Saying hasta luego to everyone tugs at the heart strings. The wonderful thing has been the support and understanding that all my friends, and MOST of my family, have given. :-)
Three weeks ago most of my personal possesions left, safely wrapped and packed into cardboard boxes, on the journey. So, my beloved computer chair arrives in Fitzroy before my bum! It's been me, my laptop and some clothes for the last few weeks. (I think everyone is sick of seeing me in the same clothes.)
Clothes! Tryng to work out what clothes to buy has been a challenge. The day time temps in Fitzroy are upwards of 35C already! You all know I don't do hot!! ... and the humidity! I did say it will be a challenge ...

So, this is it. This is where to come and see where I am and what I am doing. My trusty dig cam will be with me at all times, although getting connected at home immediately poses another challenge, I am told. Utility services are perhaps slow to get their act together.

Watch this space ....